Chromosomal bioconversion of photons into broadband electromagnetic fields. Localized photons

These provisions must be taken into account in the hypothetical model of the biocomputer discussed here, working on genetic molecules. Let's see how "in vitro" gene structures (DNA liquid crystal preparations) transformed from photons with radio radiation are formed. In our experiments [Prangishvili, Garyaev et al., 2000], we probably obtained the so-called localized or entangled coherent photons, with their subsequent permissive-teleportation transformation into radio waves. This process was carried out with a one-piece HeNe laser with a radiation power of 2 mW and a wavelength of 632.8 nm, whose stable resonator is controlled by an electronic thermostatic element [patent priority according to the international invention application No. 99/01/L dated 01.06.1999]. When the laser beam interacted with liquid DNA crystals (or other objects), the laser generated radio signals whose character (Fourier spectrum) differed depending on the type of samples examined and the way they were prepared. One of the necessary conditions for the creation of bioactive radio waves that give DNA signals is the "three-mirror scheme". According to this scheme, the examined object (DNA) reflects the laser beam into the laser resonator. It is characteristic that the specific modulations of the radio signal in this case fully correspond to the temporal change of the two-dimensional speckle patterns of the light scattered by the DNA preparations.

In these experiments, we obtained primary information about the possibility of long-term recording of biologically active, dynamic polarization laser-radio wave genetic information on DNA preparations on laser mirrors and external laser mirrors that are not part of the laser (see below). We assume that this phenomenon is related to the phenomenon of localization (compression) of photon fields in the system of correlated scatterers of laser mirrors. Under the conditions of weak own radiation absorption of the material of such scatterers, the external light field can remain in the system for a long time without being dissipated into other forms of energy. The reason for localization is related to the interference of multiple scattered waves. The external electromagnetic signal (in our case

a polarization-modulated laser beam with a DNA preparation is calibrated ("fixed") in the metal-containing inhomogeneity system of the laser mirrors. This signal can be further "read" without significant loss of information in the form of isomorphous (compared to photons) polarized radio waves. These considerations are supported by theoretical studies on the compressed states of localized photons [Maksimenko, 1999 (a); Maksimenko, 1999 (b); Maksimenko, 1999 (c)]. If such a one

the "fixation" on the mirrors is real, then the liquid crystalline DNA layers of the chromosome apparatus, which contain metal atoms (analogues of mirrors), can also be considered as a fractal medium of the accumulation of localized photons, which creates a coherent continuum of quantum, non-locally distributed polarization-radio-wave gene- with information. To some extent, this corresponds to our previous idea of the quantum nonlocality of the genome, or one of its forms [Gariaev et al., 1999; Gariaev, Tertishniy, 1999; Gariaev et al., 1999]. Perhaps there is another mechanism for the transition of light quanta as solitons into radio waves. The work of Tuszinski et al [Tuszinski et al, 1984] shows the relationship and complementary nature of two apparently independent theories, which take into account two physical models that explain the unusual behavior of biological systems. These models were proposed by Herbert Frelich and Alexander Davidov. The so-called, which describes the excitation, delocalization and movement of electrons along the peptide chains of protein molecules in the form of solitary waves (solitons). Davidovian solitons complement Frellich's well-known model [Frellich, 1968; Frellich, 1972; Frellich, 1975; Frellich, 1977], which in our work [Blagodatskikh, Garyaev et al, 1996], the phonons of the oscillating dipoles of informational biomacromolecules, electromagnetic waves of proteins (1012-1013 Hz), DNA (109 Hz), membranes (0.5-1011 Hz) On the possibility of strongly polarized (coherent, laser-like) states of dipoles (10 -10 Hz) from Bose condensation. Tuzynski et al. in his paper above, the Davidov-Hamiltonian is transformed into normal coordinates, and the Frelich-Hamiltonian is canonically transformed into an equivalent form within the Hartree-Fock approximation. The authors believe that the Hamiltonian model can connect the two theories, which are mathematically equivalent. In addition, the two models physically complement each other. The Bose condensation of the vibrational modes of biopolymers corresponds to the soliton propagation of the polarization wave. Conversely, soliton transport of boundary energies along the peptide chain is associated with Bose condensation of the lattice vibrations of biostructures. It follows that the soliton creates an electromagnetic field, and this may be one of the mechanisms for the effect we observe in experiments when an oscillating optical soliton breezer that displays DNA soliton excitation creates radio waves amplified by optical resonance. Another thought is that…

The conversion of endogenous coherent photons generated by chromosomes into radio waves in a biosystem can take place according to a "three-mirror" or "multi-mirror" scheme on several reflective membrane surfaces, similar to our model experiments. In this case, the nucleus (chromosomes) act as a laser light source, and the nuclear membrane and cytoplasmic membranes act as light-transmitting mirrors. The domain walls of the cell's liquid crystal structures can also serve as "mirrors" and can be probed objects at the same time. In this case, it is possible "in vitro - in vivo" for the manipulation of light laser currents, which are transmitted by the complex network of light guides of the living cell, and which are probably transformed into radio waves carrying information about structural and metabolic rearrangements on the cellular structures. The localization and "recording" of this kind of photon radio wave information can serve as a basis for creating an artificial biocomputer memory. In this context, in the order of scientific lemics, it can be proposed to create memory cells on DNA liquid crystals. The information from such cells is read out using laser beams in the ways we have developed. As mentioned above, we achieved first experimental results in this direction.
