Implicit functions of the genetic apparatus

Only in the 70s and 90s of the last century were the basic works of the German school Fa Poppa (FAPopp), which is the unit of inheritance of organisms (the chromosome) as a coherent source of ultra-weak photon emission in the range of 250-800 nm. This is the most "field-equivalent chromosomes". However, the role of these hereditary radiations was not understood. My colleagues and I participated in these investigations, since 1984, at the Institute of Physical and technical problems (IFTP) ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF the USSR, Institute, now rasformirovannom. Here, d in 1984-1988. Had laser spectroscopy correlation method to discover two basic properties of DNA – the ability of spontaneous solitonnym vozbuždeniâm TN. the phenomenon Fermi-pasta-Ulam (FPU) and the ability to generate wave phantom structure (The DNA phantom effect). You can read more about this in my monographs "Wave Genome" (1994), "The Wave of the Genetic Code" (1997) and "Linguistic Wave Gene". Theory and Practice" (2009), as well as in our articles. These two properties are essentially unknown DNA earlier DNA memory types. There is another type of memory, the genome holographic, which I also requested. The idea of a holographic memory genome is based on experiments carried out in TN. Phantom Leaf Effect (Phantom Leaf Effect), our scientists detected Adamenko in 1975. and reproduced several times by us, etc. researcher. The highest form of holographic memory Biosystems memory brain man, experimentally confirmed Pribramom, Korneevym and many other researchers. But it is not limited to our different understanding of hromomsom. Holografičnosti is a universal principle, made for the first time d. Bom [Talbot M., 2005, Holographic universe]. Therefore, the genome and the holographic brain are attributes, only private expressions of this phenomenon, but significant.
The development of research
Then there was the most important phase of my 10-year abnormal operation at the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences. them. Pn Lebegyev (Optical Department) the great physicists-professors Va Ŝeglovym, V. Volf Gorelik, Sa Rešetnâkom, etc. There, at my suggestion, We created a virtual laser molecules DNA and chromosomes. We published this in 1996. in Quantum Electronis and other articles, we developed the theoretical plan for Laser Physics in Laser Physics, Summary Reports in Physics Preprints, and LPI LPI.
After 6 years of similar work DNA laser made by Japanese physicists, several different, but in fact the same effect as laser pumping DNA. This is a fundamentally important and fundamental result. Prior to this, many doubts arose about the works school f. Poppa - does DNA really work like a laser? And we Japanese proved it. Unfortunately, the Japanese authors did not respond to my proposal to jointly develop and think about our results. Moreover, the new publications of the Japanese authors on DNA laser detection in the press can not be. You can believe that they became aware of the great importance of such studies and their guardian. (A) the importance of the DNA laser allowing the wave to simulate genetic-metabolic processes in organisms, including holographic. In other words, what has been theoretically verified in our works, namely, strategically, at the quantum level, at distant, i.e., long distances, control the genetic apparatus of all Biosystems on Earth, including humans.
Continuation of this work only Institute of Management SCIENCES. However, we developed it in a different plan. Since DNA performs laser-like functions in vivo within the chromosome, it could be found among existing and medical lasers that would to some extent simulate the laser function of DNA. This is what we found. This helium-neon laser has a wavelength of 632.8 nm, but with special orthogonal polarization modes. In this special mode, it can read the polarizer (spin) genetic information in living organisms, cells, DNA, RNA and proteins. He is able to translate the information of the so-called spin Photonic-modulated broadband electromagnetic radiation (MBER) according to the theory of localized light, while the genetic information. In theory, the effects have already added to us the concept of the traveling wave hologram Denisűka And the most important thing, These effects and the theory allowed us to put them into practice, which can be called biospintronikoj, that is a practical embodiment of Lingvistiko-wave genetics (BTY). We use certain biospintronic technologies (We have patents and priorities), which allowed us to experimentally prove our theories. However, It should be noted that such research and practice met with great resistance and unwarranted official science with the help of disinformation and slander in the spirit of falsifying scientific appointees of the Illuminati, perfectly presented by Sallem.
Many, produced by genetics and molecular biology, are useful and relevant. However, the mistakes here are unconscionable and must be corrected before it is too late. The main mistake in previous research is that the genome was considered a purely physical function, while they are multidimensional, multiple, and most importantly, at the quantum level. BTY 2 in terms of chromosomal functions implemented at the main level - real (This is where the main researches are concentrated). And quantum-mental, includes holographic and non-local quantum components. Here, research while isolated and still in its infancy. Or classified. But this quantum cross-spaces-mental and holographic levels and sub-levels are the genome and the strategic development area of biology, medicine, biocomputing. Detailed research and analysis of the genetic apparatus showed the roots of misconceptions in previous research. These are the quasi-speech that Amit did not understand, the mental part of which is chromosomes and DNA. Strategically, everything under the genome is text-sound and holographic attributes DNA, the most important features of which are the genome-biocomputer. We can say that the genetic apparatus thinks and understands our level. And this is the In addition, the Foundation is the thinking-consciousness of the brain. But this is a special topic.
It has been useful when the principles of using BTY?
How do we understand the main principles of the formation of embryos into adult organisms? No, they are merely descriptive and ultimately incorrect. Cytodifferentiation mechanisms stem cells and do not understand the main. BTY gives a clear and simple interpretation of this key bioprocess. Dynamic spatio-temporal structure of the developing embryo is determined by gradient (not Vol′pertovskimi) wave fronts genomic polarization holograms, created by liquid crystals DNA cholesterikov chromosome continuum cell-tissue areas. These are the same, the chromosome, -sources of coherent light (250-800nm), necessary to read the genome holograms. The second is the embryo of an adult organism with a quasi-sound structure of proteins-texts, translated by the organism in the languages of primary DNA-RNA texts. Not only the gene quasi-thinking, It still gives the marking, calibration (holographic) fields embryogenesis and gives the text (protein morphogenetic) comments. The third quantum base of biomorphogenesis is the instant access to all cells and genomes of quantum Nonlocality, i.e. teleportation wave of genetic-metabolic information between hundreds of billions of cells that make up the body.
If all this is proven experimentally? Yes, to some extent. This study is dm n… Jiang Kan Dženâ (Khabarovsk), ACAD.. RAMS Kaznacheyev (IKEM, Novosibirsk), dmn Budagovskogo (Michurinsk), dmn Burlakova (MSU). Well, our experiments. It is especially necessary to tell about the Nobeliata Luc Montagnier and his team. They clearly and independently confirmed our data on the transfer of genetic information with the wave macrodistance. Their experiments are much simpler, but no less important. Group information is a short transmission of Montagnier's segment of DNA in pure water using the electromagnetic field (so they think), then real DNA synthesized using the PCR reaction, the same source, the read information [DNA waves and water. (L). Montagnier1,2, (J). Aissa2, (E). Del Giudice3, (C). Lavallee2, A. Tedeschi4, and (G). Vitiello5 1 World Foundation for AIDS Research and Prevention (UNESCO), Paris, France 2 Nanetics Biotechnologies, SA. 98 rue Albert Calmette, F78350 Jouy-en-Josas, France 3 IIB, International Institute for Biophotonics, Neuss, Germany 4 WHITE HB, Milano, Italy 5 Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Universit`a di Salerno and INFN, Gruppo Collegato Salerno, I -84100 Salerno, Italy. arXiv:1012.5166v1 [q-bio.OT] 23 Dec 2010].
Comment on the article or - as Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier confirms our research. Given the strategic importance of the group's work, Luc Montagnier, it is reasonable to give an assessment in comparison with our previous studies in the same direction. Luc Montagnier, de facto, invaded the area Linguistiko-wave Genetics (BTY), did not know about it, probably related, No problem. Why is the study of Luc Montagnier's (and our much more advanced version) magnetic water structure important in DNA translation, including the structure of intracellular water? The reasons are as follows. In medicine, in genetics, the situation was critical in the sense that they do not use the huge information sets "garbage" DNA, Accordingly,, now real opportunities BTY. The reason is the long and continuous lack of strategic principles, work is the main human resource center - the genetic apparatus, which is responsible not only for heredity, but also for the decisive regulation of metabolism and physiological functions, up to the level of thinking and consciousness. The main problem is the lack, ignoring the contradictions of the model of the genetic code, which allowed the other nobeliatami - M. Nirenbergom and f. Crick. In fact, This is a gross mistake not conscious, more precisely, it ignores the value of ambiguity coding amino acid codes protein and half coding. This ambiguity was immediately noted, but not attributed to them, M. Nirenbergom and f. Crick, but later, it was obscured and "forgotten". However, the point is not to forget. However, they "forgot". What did this lead to? This led, as mentioned, to the so-called transgenic engineering, the main result of which is cheap, genetically modified (GM) food. This threatens to prohibit the genetic collapse of life on Earth. I gave the explanation in my publications.
The second consequence is the mistakes m. Nirenberga and f. Crick:
The failure of medicine to treat serious diseases - cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis - the failure to extend people's active lives to 200 or more years. It can and should be a new branch of biology and medicine-Lingvistiko-wave Genetics. This is based on the understanding of the genetic apparatus of the Kvantum Biocomputer (KB), with its inherent elements of consciousness and thinking.
The basic principles of KB, I repeat, -holografičnost′, lingvističnost′ and quantum nonlocality are the governing teams. The experimental model of the artificial KB was created based on laser technology. KB is capable of the following functions as a biocomputer: a)) reading wave genetic information chromosomes, cells, tissues and whole organisms, b) converting scanning (recording information) Laser photons modulated broadband electromagnetic radiation (MBER) While the primary photon is genetic information, in) wave transmission of genetic information over macro distances, y.) input of genetic information in the form of mŠÈI organism-receiver, into the intracellular water, d) firmware management-repair of metabolism, physiology of the receiver, for example a sick or elderly person.
This is theoretically and experimentally proven based on publications (about 100) and three monographs, including the latest – “Lingvistiko-wave gene. Theory and practice" (2009). In other words, our research priorities are related to the works of Luc Montagnier's team. Our first publication on the wave migration of genetic information was published in 2003: PP Garyaev, 2003, Cloning, AIDS, cancer, diabetes and wave genetics. Consciousness and physical reality. Vol. 8, # 2, p. 52-60; P. Garjajev, 2003, Der wellengenetische Code. Tattva Viveka, №20, 68-73. side. ( in German ); PP Garjajev, E. Leonova, 2003, The strange world of wave genetics. Journal of Mind and Physical Reality", IE 8, No. 6, s. 27-40. in 2010. our theoretical-experimental article on TN was published. About the DNA phantom effect. Describes the physical and mathematical formalized previously unknown quantum memory in genetic structures and its significance for organisms And now an article on the same topic, Luc Montagnier "DNA waves and water" it caused a loud reaction in the scientific world, because it contains experimental evidence of the distance (the remote) wave transmission structure of the DNA molecule directly in water. In fact, we did the same as Montagnier, only much earlier. And received a patent for this phenomenon - the fantomoobrazovanie, Register for DNA, that, Perhaps, illustrates the principle of DNA information transfer, one of the "ghost variations", as in water, and in living organisms: Rospatent, 2009g., # 2355009, "method and device for visualization of the replicative DNA wave". Order number: 2007102044. The priority of the invention January 22, 2007 October 10, 2011 We registered the priority of the technology wave broadcast unique gene BLBP from neurons of brain stem cells [Gariaev, etc. 2011, How to control the metabolism of Biosystems and system for its implementation. (Rospatent)]. In the same spirit, we demonstrated the distance wave transmission of genetic information: Rospatent, 2010g. "Method and device directed wave effect on the Varroa mite". Order number: 2008134520. Priority of the invention August 26, 2008 g. Theoretical interpretation of "phantom" DNA molecules http communication:// not only for our experiments, but also for the work of Luc Montagnier's group, where the authors gave an incorrect theoretical explanation, to the same results. I note that Montagnier's group does not refer to the 2003 and other publications and our patents and priorities. Now, After the independent validation team Luc Montagnier chief, We have already proven before a fact, haul running wave of genetic information, a new era of biology, genetics and medicine. It offers real opportunities to manage health and prolong people's lives, the linguistic-quantum attributes of chromosomes, which we have talked about and published works in the last 28 years. Add - about 20 years ago, our great physicist and crystallographer, Nikolay Aleksandrovich Bul′enkov, proved that the structure of water can create clusters from which you can build a water equivalent, copies of DNA, RNA and proteins [Bul′enkov Na, 1991, Biophysics, Vol. 36, Vol. 2, s. 181-243. About the possible role of hydration as a leading factor in the integration of Biosystems at different levels of the hierarchy]. This is where Luc Montagnier's home information is. And for us, Info, a leading factual basis for his work and ours.
"Prof. Dr. PP Garjaev"
Automatic translation of text.