Implicit functions of the genetic apparatus
Fa Poppa (FAPopp), a coherent source found for ultra-weak photon emission in the range 250-800 nm. This is the most "field-equivalent chromosome". However, the role of these hereditary radiations was not understood. My colleagues and I participated in these investigations, since 1984, at the Institute of Physical and technical problems (IFTP) ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF the USSR, Institute, now rasformirovannom. In 1984-1988. Using the correlation method of laser spectroscopy, we discovered two fundamental properties of DNA - the ability to produce a spontaneous solion wave TN. the phenomenon Fermi-pasta-Ulam (FPU) generates a wave phantom structure (The DNA phantom effect). You can read more about this in my monographs "Wave Genome" (1994), "The Wave of the Genetic Code" (1997) and "Linguistic Wave Gene". Theory and Practice" (2009), as well as in our articles. These two properties are essentially unknown volt.
Prof. Dr. PP Garyaev